Quick and Easy Sandwich

I'm not that kinda sandwich lover but my hubby is a biggest fan of sandwich. I think this simply because he used to eat bread and had sandwich for breakfast while I ate sandwich only when I lacked of time. Back in Indonesia, I used to eat white bread by spreading Indonesian famous margarine "Blue Band" and granulated sugar. The best! Too bad, the margarine here is different from it. Blue Band available tho in Toko Indonesia but quite expensive.

I made this sandwich yesterday for our small brunch before having the real lunch at Pengajian Bremen (monthly gathering to learn Qur'an).

This is how I made my sandwich. Quick and easy!

1 brötchen, cut into half
1 tomato, slice
2 slices or butter
2 slices of smoked turkey
Melt cheese (Sahne Käse) as needed
Indonesian chili sauce

Spread melt cheese on the bread. Top with smoked turkey, butter and tomato. Drizzle with chili sauce.

Quick and easy, no!

This was my entry for: Let's Have Brunch: Be Creative With Your Sandwich hosted by Pepy.



Emang "Blue Band" gak ada matinya deh!! Aku mau pulkam bln depan. Mau nitip gaakkk??

Menu sandwich-mu sama kayak aku nih. Melt cheese yg "Krauter" enak looh :)


ngilerrr deh Pep....udah lama banget aku ngga makan Blue Band..hikksss...


Salahhhh....sorii aku pikir pepy...hihihi, maksudnya Sefaaa...sorii ya , abis barusan komen di blognya Pepy..:D


@Sheila: huaaaaaaa boleh-boleh, blue band pake gula pasir doang, gak ada matinya, hihihihihi (eh kalo gak ngerepotin ya Sheil)

tossss lagi ah Sheil... aku juga suka yg krauter, cuma kemarin belinya yg biasa aja, buat dicemilin juga, hihihi *aku gila keju soalnya*

@Elsye: gpp El... lagian itu bikin sandwich juga gara-gara eventnya Pepy kok :D


kl aku sandwich suka pk paprika ato ga timun.

Blue Band.. ngimpi book disini mana ada...


di Toko Indonesia ada Yin, cuma mahal pisan... males aja gitu belinya :))

aku belum pernah bikin sandwich pake paprika malah... ntar ah kapan-kapan nyoba, makasih idenya Yin


Sefa..tadi aku dah kasih koment, cuma karna Josh nangis..aku nggak yakin dah ke kirim belum, ternyata belum tuh kan.

Selamat ya Sef tuk rumah baru nya.

Itu sandwich dach di kecrot saus sambal, tambahin ketimun n daun basil..hmmmm mantapppppppppp.


lupa disubmit mungkin say ;)
yang penting skg adakan komennya

terimakasih banyak, rumah barunya masih sepi nih... tuan rumahnya males :))

iya tuh, pake basilikum pasti tambah mantep... ntar deh nyoba

sun sayang utk Josh yaaa


Mau berapa biji? Ntar aku bawain deh. Janji.


wah berapa biji ya.. terserah dirimu aja deh Sheil, yg penting jangan ngerepotin :D

*jingkrak-jingkrak kesenengan*


About Me

A West Sumatran's descendant, born and raised in Jakarta. Now living in Northern Germany. A full time dreamer.

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