Does My Blog Look Good in This (DMBLGiT) Dec 2015


by sefa firdaus
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It's been almost 4 years that I hosted this monthly food photography event, called by some as "the grandest foodporn event availabl...

Cooking with Black Garlic


by sefa firdaus
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Tanggal 26 November 2015 kemarin saya dapat bingkisan istimewa dari Black Garlic Indonesia , satu express box yang isinya dua menu dan masi...

Asinan Bengkuang (Pickled Jicama)


by sefa firdaus
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When it comes to asinan bengkuang (pickled jicama ) the yummiest one was the one made by my neighbor. Not only its taste, but the memory be...

Behind The Scene - Es Kuwut


by sefa firdaus
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Saya bukan orang yang senang mengabadikan foto BTS (Behind The Scene) setiap motret, kecuali ada keperluan tertentu seperti foto Es Kuwut in...

Motret Bayi Itu Seru!


by sefa firdaus
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Banyak orang yang tidak tahu bahwa job pertama saya adalah motret anak bayi, bukan motret makanan seperti yang orang duga. Jadi nanti kalau ...

Week 11-12 | 52WFPP


by sefa firdaus
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Because I am The Star, Star Anise! - 52WFPPHerbsSpices White Eggs - 52WFPPOffCenter

Week 9-10 | 52WFPP


by sefa firdaus
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White Baking Chocolate - 52WFPPChocolate Mandarin - 52WFPPHandphone

Week 8 | 52WFPP


by sefa firdaus
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Aftermath - 52WFPPIceCream

Week 7 | 52WFPP


by sefa firdaus
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Pink Garlic - 52WFPP Remake Only one word for this Remake's theme: "Headache" :D Quote from my Prof is so true: "Everybod...

Week 6 | 52WFPP


by sefa firdaus
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Pistchio - 52WFPPNut

Week 5 | 52WFPP


by sefa firdaus
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Strawberry Compote Tartelette - 52WFPPNoProps Starting this week, two notable food blogger/food photographer in Indonesia will join as a tea...

Week 4 | 52WFPP


by sefa firdaus
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Sambal Ijo Ikan Teri - 52WFPPSambal Sambel Ijo Ikan Teri has its charms to make you eat more and more.

Week 3 | 52WFPP


by sefa firdaus
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Chips - 52WFPPPotato Potato chips and cold drink are the best companion during movie.

Week 2 | 52WFPP


by sefa firdaus
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Butter Cookies - 52WFPPCookies This is how I ate my #butter #cookie back then. Take one cookie, spread with #nutella then make it like sandw...

Week 1 | 52 WFPP


by sefa firdaus
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Cilok (Chewy Balls) As I mentioned here , I started a project called #52WeeksFoodPhotographyProject in Instagram . So every week, I will tak...

#52 Weeks Food Photography Project


by sefa firdaus
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I am going to start my #52WeeksFoodPhotographyProject starting today. The reason I am making this project is to keep me learning how to prod...
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About Me

A West Sumatran's descendant, born and raised in Jakarta. Now living in Northern Germany. A full time dreamer.

In Member of..